At morning, an FIT employee that she is Magdalena. She checked and read all slides on Powerpoint we created. The feedback she gave us, she thought that there was too much information and more texts on some slides, she asked us to reduce the amount of texts on some slides, it would make easier to understand and read well. She also suggested that we make the heading and text big that can make them easier to see and improve better visuality. We also removed few paragraphs from our slides we don’t need. She suggested that I should add more pictures or visual, which makes it look nice and great on PowerPoint. I focused on working on PowerPoint, I removed few repeated words from their paragraph on our slides and were looking for more pictures to add them on it. Also, there was some changes I made on PowerPoint as well. I improved my PowerPoint skill by working on PowerPoint. I also found a way to change the design on separate slide myself. That’s all I did for today.
In the morning, I slightly changed things on our slides and thought it would look great on PowerPoint, and I waited until our group to get them done on their slide on PowerPoint. An FIT employee just came in to check and talk with us what we did and the changes on PowerPoint. I listened to all she talked to some people who was in our group about their ideas and their slides that our group was working on with this bakery project. They changed some things and etc on PowerPoint. On Main Meeting with few FIT employees and all people from separate groups. They talked about Global Mentorship Initiative and their Mentorship Program, I thought it’s all about encouraging graduated students to apply and seeking a mentor to help them to guide their career path and get first job etc. That’s all they talked about it but there are a lot of information about Global Mentorship Initiative. I learned that we and anyone can apply and seeking a mentor for Mentorship program after we graduate our college. I thought it was a bit interesting.
Our group started to practice the presentation and make sure everything goes well and to finish for under 15 minutes of the presentation but one of them need to control and play the presentation on screen, and to follow they present and jump & next slides etc. About the feedback an FIT employee gave is to practice more and to suggest them to explain clearer and talk slow or normal not too fast talk. Also, she showed us what it looks like the PowerPoint from last year, and explained what the group did back in last year and their experience. She asked me if I can do and to change everything on all slides to make them look perfect and clean. I decided to accept her request, I started to create entirely new and made two PowerPoint with different theme etc. I spent long hours working on two PowerPoint, I took everything including pictures & paragraphs to both PowerPoint from old PowerPoint our group were working on. I replaced some pictures with new pictures on some slides that is perfect matching to Bakery etc. I added some details and small things like food icons, shapes and etc on one of two PowerPoint that made them look nice and well. I changed a lot of things on both, they look much different from old PowerPoint. I finished working on both and uploaded to OneDrive that I will show them later.
During this morning, I was in the group meeting, and I showed them two PowerPoint, they were amazed how much change I made and did on both especially my PowerPoint skill. I expected that they will like them because they look better and clean. That it turned out an FIT employee and they really like them and complimented me nicely. She made a poll survey that which one we pick for real presentation. We ended up choosing one of two PowerPoint which has more clean and look great than other one with a lot of details like foods icons, backgrounds as such. Our group practiced the presentation twice times before the real presentation starts at 2pm. We presented our PowerPoint and the presentation, everything went well but we got on second place, and I congratulated them and my team & group. I learned that 3rd group won the first place because they have fantastic logo, they look like professional and especially the website they made. I was really surprised at these they presented and showed us. They used WIX hosting website to create their own website they made nicer and more professional and canvas program too. 3rd group is moved to the competition on Friday with few different selected groups for presentation. I came back to our group meeting, and we talked with an FIT employee about the presentation and how it did go etc.
On Final day, I watched the presentation. There were few selected groups that they present their project. They talked about different topics like Bakery, Library etc. There was a lot of interesting things I saw, they have amazing skills and had a lot of effort with their project. After that, the presentation is over. Other FIT employee came in and talked about becoming a Tech Apprentice on FIT website and GMI Mentoring. That’s all, it was half day the work experience finished.